Monday, January 26, 2009

An Exam Visitor from Egypt, A Young Swiss Tourist and Lots More Family Visits

At the weekend I talked to a friendly Egyptian guy who had come to Sydney for 5 days just to sit for a computer networking examination. There are apparently very few cities where this exam can be done. Despite failing the exam he was still very happy and upbeat and loved Sydney so much that he was seriously considering moving here with his wife and daughters. He had already done some checking on property prices and determined that it was affordable for him.

There were many more family and friend visits including those from England, Wales and Germany. The very bubbly Welsh girl spent the time with her boyfriend here in Sydney and did the Harbour Bridge Climb. She assured me that I would really enjoy the Bridge Climb when I get to do it next week. I've been talking about doing it for years but now it's finally happening. It just seems to be one of those things that visitors do all the time but us locals keep putting off doing.

I came across a Malaysian women here on business for a week. There was also an English woman who combined a holiday in Byron Bay with business in Sydney. However she stayed in a backpackers in both places and not the typical luxury hotel for a business visitor.

The young Swiss visitor I met had stayed with friends on the Gold Coast and also did camping tours in the Northern Territory - including Alice Springs, Uluru and up to Darwin. Unfortunately she fell sick while on the Gold Coast and spent a longer time there and was unable to visit some of the other areas she had planned.

Till next week.


Souvenirs Australia Warehouse

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