Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Wrong Sydney and Russian & Kiwi Family Visits

As per usual I met some nice friendly visitors to the land of OZ in this last week but also a few more people than normal that weren't keen on talking.

There were quite a few family gatherings that included a Russian lady from Petersburg who had just spent 6 months with her daughter in Canberra and a very sociable Kiwi who had been babysitting the grandchildren in Sydney while the parents were holidaying in Europe. I also spoke to an Irish woman who had come a long way to see her sick sister in Sydney.

I sometimes get some very interesting passport/nationality/ethnic/residency mixes. One this week was a Thai who was travelling on a Swedish passport and came to visit a friend in Sydney. She had been married to a Swede but was now separated and back in Thailand while her children were still at school in Sweden.

Other friendly chats I had included one with a student from Saudi Arabia studying in Sydney and a Canadian guy in the hotel business who had been in Sydney for work for a few days and was on his way to Beijing also for business. While we have large numbers of Asian students now studying in Australia, I hadn't come across any from Saudi before.

One person I didn't get to talk to was an Argentine tourist who ended up in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada instead of Sydney, Australia. Read about it here. She booked the flights online so maybe she should use a good travel agent next time!

Till next time.


Souvenirs Australia Warehouse

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